Today is my last day at Immunity. I don't know what to say about it that everyone on this list doesn't already know or that isn't weighed down with embarrassing secrets. At its best Immunity was a family, but also a machine for producing absolute monsters, and not just in the technical arenas. Even when it came to project management, we dropped people in the deep waters of the Marianas Trench and expected them to build bioluminescence on the way down. 

Because of my history at the NSA, I always believed managers at Immunity had to be as technical or more as anyone in their tree. This is less being a manager than being a Dungeon Master but it's also the only way to grow Ogres. 

There's a scene in the West Wing when someone tells Donna that her job can't be where she grows into a person, and she says, "Why Not? Why can't it be that thing?" and for a lot of us at Immunity that rung true, with kids and divorces and entire new career fields. 

I sent one last email to the internal list, but at some level a lot of Immunity is spread out amongst the stars and I wanted to thank everyone at once. It was the honor of a lifetime to work beside you all. We did great things together.
