Memories and thoughts are the same thing, someone tried to explain to me
recently. You have to think to remember, in other words. This is hard to
grasp for a lot of people because they *think *they have *memories*. They
wrongly think memory is a noun instead of a verb, which is ok in philosophy
and psychology but in cutting edge computer science we have to be precise
about these sorts of things.
Twenty-five years ago, when I first started writing fuzzers, a full quarter
century, people thought it was an absolutely stupid thing to do. The smart
people were using their giant brains to do static analysis. They were
tainting and sinking. They were reading the code and finding flaws. They
did threat models. They did not write glorified for loops that made
different amounts of A's go into different RPC functions. But I had the
hubris of a teenage hacker, and I thought it was fun. More fun, perhaps,
than reading code.
In 2025, fuzzing is part of the software development lifecycle for any
organization rich enough to call a hyperscale datacenter home. It is a *sine
qua non* for secure software. Fuzzing, we now understand, is *reasoning*.
And if you can't reason over your code, you can't secure it.
Part of the value is that fuzzing echoes machine learning in that it scales
nicely with the amount of CPU you could use. And there's no false positives
when you measure whether an input crashes a program - it either does or it
does not.
There are downsides of course - many inputs may cause the same crash.
Fuzzing identifies a flaw exists, but it doesn't tell you what the flaw
actually is. And fuzzing often finds enough flaws that development teams
become overwhelmed with triage. And of course, fuzzing can often be too
dumb to reach the important bugs, since it is exploring the space of
possible inputs semi-randomly, even with coverage guided analysis.
We (as a community) tried to correct these things with SMT solvers, or
smarter fuzzers. But now we have a new tool: LLMs, which reason in a very
different way. But still they *reason*.
Admittedly, there are many disbelievers. "LLMs just repeat what they are
trained on" and taken to an extreme that's true but that's also true for
any of us. In practice, they reason perfectly well. And not too long from
now, maybe a couple years at most, any organization that is not using them
widely for security engineering is left behind the curve - the same way
teams not using fuzzers are today.
Memories and thoughts are, in essence, the same thing because both require
the act of reasoning. In computer science, fuzzing and LLMs are tools that
embody this principle. They don't passively store knowledge - they actively
explore, test, and refine it.
When I first started fuzzing, it was dismissed as a foolish endeavor
because it didn’t look like traditional reasoning. Now, it’s indispensable.
LLMs are on a similar path: misunderstood by some, but already reshaping
how we approach security.
Just as fuzzing forced us to rethink what reasoning over code looks like,
LLMs are forcing us to rethink reasoning itself. In both cases, the act -
not the object - is what matters. They are the root of the root and the bud
of the bud - the foundation of what comes next. And if you don’t carry this
forward, you risk being left behind in a world that’s growing beyond you.